Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred; Day 4

I woke up to a very pleasant surprise this morning.. Unlike previous mornings, I had almost pain in my muscles and could move with little discomfort. I decided to take advantage of it and go on a 3 mile nature hike with my son Xander. When we got home, we played around a little bit and ran outside while waiting for my daughter Jackie. She got home and wasn't feeling well, so we came in the house and rested for a while. I got bored after they both fell asleep and decided I would try to do Day 4 of Level 1 of the 30DS!

Not only did I make it through with very little trouble, I finished and felt even better than I did before I started! My endurance has gone through the roof. I made it through one part of the DVD that normally is rather awkward for me with NO trouble whatsoever! In addition to having trouble with jumping jacks and jump rope, I've had a lot of issues with anterior hand raises and side lunges. But today, none were a problem. Oh my goodness, my calves are on fire. hahaha. It feels good though! I am so happy to have done this 4 days in a row now. I can't wait to finish up all 30 days and eventually incorporate different 2 levels into my daily routine. I am betting that it won't be any trouble at all to do that if I keep going the way I am.

Remember that an object in motion stays in motion! DON'T LOSE YOUR VELOCITY! Keep trying harder and harder and be excited each time you surprise yourself by accomplishing something you previously couldn't.

Back to my endurance... When my son and I went on our nature hike in the woods today in very humid 85 degree weather, I wasn't all that phased by all the hills and climbing. Last year we only made it about 15 minutes into the woods, and today we were there for around 2 hours! I am so excited to be getting exercise outdoors with my son, it's so good for him & for me. His bedtime has actually been reasonable all week, and he's been less moody. My house isn't getting nearly as trashed because he's burning off all his energy on our walks! This is GREAT! More exercise, and less stress all combined into one.

I am even considering doing the Nordic Track for an hour or so while dinner is being made since I still have to sleeping kids. What an awesome day today was!

Let's see if I can do Day 5 tomorrow. Here's hoping!

ETA: I ended up doing an additional 4 miles on the Nordic Track tonight! I'm not even tired so I might even try Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred DVD before bed!

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good workout. It's geared a little more to advanced exercisers, but the choreography is fairly basic and you will definately feel this the next day.
    There are three workouts that combine toning and aerobics together which are about a half an hour each. This way, you're burning fat and toning muscles at the same time. It's a little challenging, but fun and effective.


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